Property Development & Housing Contracts
Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Citaglobal Berhad which focuses on Property Development throughout Malaysia. Since its inception, Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd has embarked on building quality home while embracing digital living in all our project. Our excellent track record in developing quality home and infrastructure in 98 acres of development in Tanjung Lumpur, Kuantan is a testament of our strength and ability as a property developement company. Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd committed to become one of the leading property developers in Malaysia by combining sector expertise and latest technologies in order to build a sustainable development which creates a conducive environment for communities to live well and thrive.
Property has been the main contractor for Pr1ma Corporation Malaysia (PR1MA) for a project called Cadangan Pembangunan Perumahan Diatas Lot PT98631 hingga Hingga PT 98642 Dan PT 98650 Hingga PT 99958 (FASA 1), Benuh Rendang, Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. The project consists of the construction of 217 units of double-storey and 306 units of single-storey terrace together with all the infrastructure works.

Property Development & Housing Contracts
Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Citaglobal Berhad which focuses on Property Development throughout Malaysia. Since its inception, Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd has embarked on building quality home while embracing digital living in all our project. Our excellent track record in developing quality home and infrastructure in 98 acres of development in Tanjung Lumpur, Kuantan is a testament of our strength and ability as a property developement company. Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd committed to become one of the leading property developers in Malaysia by combining sector expertise and latest technologies in order to build a sustainable development which creates a conducive environment for communities to live well and thrive.
Property has been the main contractor for Pr1ma Corporation Malaysia (PR1MA) for a project called Cadangan Pembangunan Perumahan Diatas Lot PT98631 hingga Hingga PT 98642 Dan PT 98650 Hingga PT 99958 (FASA 1), Benuh Rendang, Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. The project consists of the construction of 217 units of double-storey and 306 units of single-storey terrace together with all the infrastructure works.

The Construction and Completion of Projek Perumahan PR1MA (Phase 1) in Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan, Pahang
Contract Duration : 24 Months
Main Contractor : Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd
Client: Perbadanan PR1MA Malaysia
The project is located in Kuantan which consists of 523 units in single and double storey terrace house. The Master En-Bloc Purchase Agreement (MEBPA) has been sealed on 18th March 2016 between PR1MA and Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd as the contractor.

The Housing Development of Phase 2, D’Marina, Tanjung Lumpur, Daerah Kuantan, Pahang
Contract Duration : 60 months (24 months for each phase)
Main Contractor : Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd
Client: Perbadanan PR1MA Malaysia
The project is located in Kuantan, opposite to the development of Phase I which consist of 763 units of double storey terrace house in 6 sub-phases. The Joint Development Agreement has been sealed on 9th December 2021 between PR1MA and Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd as the developer.
Contract Duration : 36 Months
Main Contractor : Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd
Landowner : United Sabah Islamic Association (USIA)
Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd and United Sabah Islamic Association (USIA) have entered a Joint Venture Agreement to develop 108 units of shoplots in Semporna, Sabah. This development is aimed to elevate the commercial potential in Semporna by taking advantage of the strategic location and the increasing tourist arrival in the area.
The Construction and Completion of Projek Perumahan PR1MA (Phase 1) in Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan, Pahang
Contract Duration : 24 Months
Main Contractor : Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd
Client: Perbadanan PR1MA Malaysia
The project is located in Kuantan which consists of 523 units in single and double storey terrace house. The Master En-Bloc Purchase Agreement (MEBPA) has been sealed on 18th March 2016 between PR1MA and Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd as the contractor.

The Housing Development of Phase 2, D’Marina, Tanjung Lumpur, Daerah Kuantan, Pahang
Contract Duration : 60 months (24 months for each phase)
Main Contractor : Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd
Client: Perbadanan PR1MA Malaysia
The project is located in Kuantan, opposite to the development of Phase I which consist of 763 units of double storey terrace house in 6 sub-phases. The Joint Development Agreement has been sealed on 9th December 2021 between PR1MA and Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd as the developer.
Contract Duration : 36 Months
Main Contractor : Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd
Landowner : United Sabah Islamic Association (USIA)
Sinergi Dayang Sdn Bhd and United Sabah Islamic Association (USIA) have entered a Joint Venture Agreement to develop 108 units of shoplots in Semporna, Sabah. This development is aimed to elevate the commercial potential in Semporna by taking advantage of the strategic location and the increasing tourist arrival in the area.
Going forward, SD believes that its has the right combinations of resources to be an established property developer, having established board of directors that has combined experiences of more than 20 years in property development, strong dedicated team leaders which are able to lead with wisdom and proper guidance and dedicated staff that give full commitment in their works. Eventually, SD will also have full support from its holding and ultimate holding companies.
Going forward, SD believes that its has the right combinations of resources to be an established property developer, having established board of directors that has combined experiences of more than 20 years in property development, strong dedicated team leaders which are able to lead with wisdom and proper guidance and dedicated staff that give full commitment in their works. Eventually, SD will also have full support from its holding and ultimate holding companies.